{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/pages/services/video-content.js"],"names":["Services","_ref","data","location","siteTitle","site","siteMetadata","title","React","createElement","Layout","SEO","style","margin","maxWidth","rhythm","marginTop","textAlign","Image","fluid","mast","childImageSharp","alt","width","creator","editor","className"],"mappings":"4FAAA,yFAiLeA,UAzKEC,IAAyB,IAAxB,KAAEC,EAAI,SAAEC,GAAUF,EAClC,MAAMG,EAAYF,EAAKG,KAAKC,aAAaC,MAEzC,OACEC,IAAAC,cAACC,IAAM,CAACP,SAAUA,EAAUI,MAAOH,GACjCI,IAAAC,cAACE,IAAG,CAACJ,MAAM,6DACXC,IAAAC,cAAA,WAASG,MAAO,CAAEC,OAAQ,OAAQC,SAAUC,YAAO,MACjDP,IAAAC,cAAA,cACED,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,oBACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,MAAIG,MAAO,CAAEI,UAAW,IAAKC,UAAW,WAAY,kDAKtDT,IAAAC,cAACS,IAAK,CACJC,MAAOjB,EAAKkB,KAAKC,gBAAgBF,MACjCG,IAAI,yBACJV,MAAO,CACLW,MAAO,QACPT,SAAU,UAIdN,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,+VASHD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,wKAMHD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,oZASHD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,sWASHD,IAAAC,cAACS,IAAK,CACJC,MAAOjB,EAAKsB,QAAQH,gBAAgBF,MACpCG,IAAI,wBACJV,MAAO,CACLW,MAAO,QACPT,SAAU,UAIdN,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,sQAOHD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,8bAUHD,IAAAC,cAACS,IAAK,CACJC,MAAOjB,EAAKuB,OAAOJ,gBAAgBF,MACnCG,IAAI,uBACJV,MAAO,CACLW,MAAO,QACPT,SAAU,UAIdN,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,0WASHD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,+NAOHD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,iWASHD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,ifAWHD,IAAAC,cAAA,MAAIG,MAAO,CAAEK,UAAW,WAAY,0DAIpCT,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,kCACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UACED,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,+EAIJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,kGAIJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,0DACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,uEAKND,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,0DACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UACED,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,iCACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,uBACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,kBACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,+BACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,iBACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,YACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,sDACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,+BACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,6BAGND,IAAAC,cAAA,OAAKiB,UAAU,SACblB,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,4CACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI","file":"component---src-pages-services-video-content-js-b9ca93dbea32a09c24f8.js","sourcesContent":["import React from \"react\"\nimport { graphql } from \"gatsby\"\nimport Image from \"gatsby-image\"\nimport { rhythm } from \"../../utils/typography\"\n\nimport Layout from \"../../components/layout\"\nimport SEO from \"../../components/seo\"\n\nconst Services = ({ data, location }) => {\n const siteTitle = data.site.siteMetadata.title\n\n return (\n \n \n

Let's get visual


\n Video content creation for your online course\n

\n\n \n\n

\n Whether you have a great idea for an online course or are in the\n middle of writing one, I would love to help you with the visual\n elements of it. To be precise: take care of the video production part\n of your course. It can be as simple as recording a welcome message, or\n if you want to go all out your whole course could be delivered through\n video.\n


\n Creating written content is very different to creating video content\n and I often find that clients struggle to translate one to the other.\n This is where I can help.\n


\n There are so many different options of getting your content across,\n whether it is a piece to camera (either by yourself or other\n contributors), practical ‘how to' videos that take your participants\n through making/cooking/baking something step-by-step, motion graphics\n with a voiceover to highlight a particular topic of your course or\n maybe even an interview or case study to give real life examples.\n


\n The possibilities are pretty much endless, which is great and the\n reason why I love creating video content. But I also know that it can\n feel overwhelming and sometimes hard to visualise what the end product\n might look like. I will work with you to find the best approach for\n delivering your online course and together we will create some awesome\n content.\n

\n\n \n\n

\n You might wonder why you should invest in professionally produced\n video content for your course. Let me ask you this - how great do you\n think is the impact of the non-verbal part of a presentation compared\n to what is actually being said? It's a whopping 93%.\n


\n Online courses have become hugely popular, particularly this year, and\n content is obviously key but if you would like to stand out amongst\n the sea of other course creators, I think it's invaluable for your\n videos to look and sound professional. This applies to both big and\n small brands - so whether you're a startup, one-woman-band or have\n established yourself in the market already, I'd love to help you take\n your courses to the next level!\n

\n\n \n\n

\n It could be as simple as a welcome message or an introduction to the\n course. This is a really nice way of giving people a taster of what's\n to come and for them to meet their teacher. People love learning from\n people, so even if the rest of your course isn't video based, a nicely\n produced intro video would be a great option to build that personal\n connection\n


\n Another possibility is to cut a promo out of the content captured for\n this intro video, as again it will work really well to grab people's\n attention, get your personality across and promote your course at the\n same time.\n


\n Course creators who have instructional parts in their course ie. a\n step by step guide on how to make a certain thing, could include a few\n ‘how to' videos to break up the other content. Photography can be\n great for this too but video just adds that extra dimension - and the\n process and progress of something being made is super interesting to\n watch.\n


\n For anyone who wants to go all out and have their course predominantly\n delivered through video, think Masterclass (I love these, they are so\n beautifully done) I'd recommend choosing a supplier who can help you\n “translate” your content into video, advise you on structure and above\n all deliver great quality and beautifully shot video content. Not\n talking about anyone in particular here But in all seriousness, I'd\n love to help you take your courses and therefore your brand to the\n next level!\n


\n I have different packages, depending on your budget...\n


Firstly, I would need to know:

  • \n Are the video elements of the course predominately Pieces to Camera\n (PTCs)?\n
  • \n
  • \n Will the content require lots of cutaways and sequences and is there\n a ‘how to element' to it?\n
  • \n
  • Will there be any graphic elements needed in the edit?
  • \n
  • \n Does any existing footage/images have to be included in the edits?\n
  • \n

Also, costs can increase depending on the following...

  • number of pre-production days
  • \n
  • shoot and edit days
  • \n
  • number of crew
  • \n
  • specs of cameras and lenses
  • \n
  • location hire
  • \n
  • auto-cue
  • \n
  • more elaborate graphic elements or motion graphics
  • \n
  • length and number of videos
  • \n
  • number of music licenses
  • \n




\n )\n}\n\nexport default Services\n\nexport const pageQuery = graphql`\n query {\n mast: file(absolutePath: { regex: \"/online-course-creation.jpg/\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n fluid(maxWidth: 560) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_noBase64\n }\n }\n }\n creator: file(absolutePath: { regex: \"/video-content-creator.jpg/\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n fluid(maxWidth: 560) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_noBase64\n }\n }\n }\n editor: file(absolutePath: { regex: \"/video-content-editor.jpg/\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n fluid(maxWidth: 560, quality: 80) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_noBase64\n }\n }\n }\n site {\n siteMetadata {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n`\n"],"sourceRoot":""}