{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/pages/services/video-production.js"],"names":["Services","_ref","data","location","siteTitle","site","siteMetadata","title","React","createElement","Layout","SEO","style","margin","maxWidth","rhythm","Image","fluid","icons","childImageSharp","alt","marginTop","marginBottom","marginLeft","marginRight","textAlign","className"],"mappings":"4FAAA,yFAoKeA,UA5JEC,IAAyB,IAAxB,KAAEC,EAAI,SAAEC,GAAUF,EAClC,MAAMG,EAAYF,EAAKG,KAAKC,aAAaC,MAEzC,OACEC,IAAAC,cAACC,IAAM,CAACP,SAAUA,EAAUI,MAAOH,GACjCI,IAAAC,cAACE,IAAG,CAACJ,MAAM,yCACXC,IAAAC,cAAA,WAASG,MAAO,CAAEC,OAAQ,OAAQC,SAAUC,YAAO,MACjDP,IAAAC,cAAA,cACED,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,8BAGND,IAAAC,cAACO,IAAK,CACJC,MAAOf,EAAKgB,MAAMC,gBAAgBF,MAClCG,IAAI,qBACJR,MAAO,CACLE,SAAU,SACVO,UAAWN,YAAO,GAClBO,aAAcP,YAAO,GACrBQ,WAAY,OACZC,YAAa,UAIjBhB,IAAAC,cAAA,KAAGG,MAAO,CAAEa,UAAW,WAAY,sGAEHjB,IAAAC,cAAA,WAAM,kJAKtCD,IAAAC,cAAA,OAAKiB,UAAU,SACblB,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,0BACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,4CAGND,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,4WASHD,IAAAC,cAAA,OAAKiB,UAAU,iBACblB,IAAAC,cAAA,WACED,IAAAC,cAAA,YAAM,yBACND,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,aAEND,IAAAC,cAAA,WACED,IAAAC,cAAA,YAAM,2BACND,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,aAEND,IAAAC,cAAA,WACED,IAAAC,cAAA,YAAM,qCACND,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,cAEND,IAAAC,cAAA,WACED,IAAAC,cAAA,YAAM,kDACND,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,cAEND,IAAAC,cAAA,WACED,IAAAC,cAAA,YAAM,6DAGND,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,SAEND,IAAAC,cAAA,WACED,IAAAC,cAAA,YAAM,2CACND,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,WAEND,IAAAC,cAAA,WACED,IAAAC,cAAA,YAAM,iDACND,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,WAIRD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,4cAUHD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,aACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,wnBAaHD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,2BACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,m4BAgBHD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,eACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,mmBAWHD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,wZAQHD,IAAAC,cAAA,SAAG,8YASHD,IAAAC,cAAA,OAAKiB,UAAU,SACblB,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI,6CACJD,IAAAC,cAAA,UAAI","file":"component---src-pages-services-video-production-js-0126fc9448c465d9a799.js","sourcesContent":["import React from \"react\"\r\nimport { graphql } from \"gatsby\"\r\nimport Image from \"gatsby-image\"\r\nimport { rhythm } from \"../../utils/typography\"\r\n\r\nimport Layout from \"../../components/layout\"\r\nimport SEO from \"../../components/seo\"\r\n\r\nconst Services = ({ data, location }) => {\r\n const siteTitle = data.site.siteMetadata.title\r\n\r\n return (\r\n \r\n \r\n

Video Production Services

\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n

\r\n I shoot, edit, direct and produce and you can hire me for individual\r\n services or for all the above
I love tailoring bespoke video\r\n solutions and will work with you to create the most effective video\r\n for your business on message and on budget!\r\n


The production process


From initial enquiry to your final film


\r\n With any enquiries I always try to find out as much as I can about\r\n your project to fully understand your objectives. I will of course\r\n discuss this in detail with you either in person or on the phone but\r\n if you’re not sure where to start, have a think about these seven\r\n questions, as they will determine the type of video and how it should\r\n be shot/produce best:\r\n

\r\n Who is the video for?\r\n


\r\n Where will it be shown?\r\n


\r\n What is the purpose of the video?\r\n


\r\n What would you/the client like to communicate?\r\n


\r\n \r\n Is it part of a bigger offering or a stand-alone product?\r\n \r\n


\r\n How much is the budget for the project?\r\n


\r\n What tone/mood do you envision for the video?\r\n



\r\n This initial thought process is really important to make sure that all\r\n objectives are met and your film is aligned with your brand’s values.\r\n In other words, a certain type of video might work better to achieve\r\n your goal than another and together we find the best solution for your\r\n project. Budget will also be a consideration when looking at different\r\n options - saying that I will always provide you with the best possible\r\n production value for your budget.\r\n


The brief


\r\n All this information is then worked into a creative brief, which can\r\n contain a treatment, shot list, if needed a script, branding\r\n guidelines and any other assets required for the project. We will also\r\n discuss the format ie. is the video for your website or YouTube and\r\n will it need to be in 16:9 or will it be content for your Instagram\r\n feed in which case you will need 1:1 videos or Instagram stories which\r\n are usually 9:16. Don’t worry if this is sounding too technical\r\n already, I will go through the different formats with you and explain\r\n why determining this at the beginning is important for the actual\r\n filming and editing.\r\n


Creative considerations


\r\n In video production we often speak of ‘a piece coming together’. What\r\n do I mean by that? It’s when a story flows, the visuals help tell your\r\n narrative, the music enhances emotions and all of those elements\r\n working together creating a well rounded piece that just feels right\r\n when you watch it. Yes getting all of this right is partly a creative\r\n process but more importantly it’s defining elements like the look and\r\n feel of your film, the style, music, tone of voice and grade early on.\r\n Examples of what you like and equally what you don’t like can be very\r\n useful at this point. Does your video require a voice over or any\r\n on-screen text/ graphics? These are gain stylistic choices which are\r\n obviously very subjective but can also vary depending on the type of\r\n video you are after. This is something we can discuss in more detail\r\n in a meeting or on the phone in the briefing stage of the project.\r\n


Time frames


\r\n I found that the best approach is to work backwards. So unless there\r\n is a specific date that the filming needs to take place on (ie. an\r\n event), it makes sense to look at the release or publishing date of\r\n your video. So for example are you aunching a new service in three\r\n months time and would like the film to be ready for then? Do you maybe\r\n also need a few short edits to start promoting this offering on social\r\n media a month prior to the launch? Or have you just done a rebrand and\r\n need an updated brand film for your website? Is your aim to release\r\n regular video content ie. an interview or advice series\r\n


\r\n As you can see there are so many different scenarios and a breadth of\r\n video options for different objectives, that it is crucial to define\r\n the aim of your project very early on and depending on the complexity\r\n of the project I would allow for a turnaround time of at least two\r\n weeks but ideally a month. Smaller or time sensitive projects can of\r\n course be turned around faster (depending on availability).\r\n


\r\n The next step will be putting together a production schedule, booking\r\n in shoot dates and edit days. It’s advisable to work out a production\r\n timeline so that everyone is on the same page in regards to review and\r\n edit changes, revised versions and meeting the final deadline. Your\r\n final exports are usually being delivered digitally and making sure\r\n they are in the right format agreed previously.\r\n





\r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default Services\r\n\r\nexport const pageQuery = graphql`\r\n query {\r\n icons: file(absolutePath: { regex: \"/production-services.png/\" }) {\r\n childImageSharp {\r\n fluid(maxWidth: 1000, quality: 100) {\r\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_noBase64\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n site {\r\n siteMetadata {\r\n title\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n`\r\n"],"sourceRoot":""}