Crafted Films
Video Production Services

Where to Begin?

June 16, 2020

Commissioning a video or maybe even a series of video content can feel overwhelming and sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. So when a potential client gets in touch for the first time I try to find out as much as I can about their project to fully understand their objectives. This is an important part of the briefing process and will ensure that their film is aligned with their brand’s values.

In other words, a certain type of video might work better to achieve your goal than another and together we will find the best solution for each project.

If you’re not sure where to start, have a think about these seven questions:

  • WHO is the video for/aimed at? (audience)
  • WHERE will it be shown? (platform)
  • WHAT would you like to communicate? (main objective)
  • WHAT is the purpose of the video? (your goal)
  • HOW much is the budget for the project?
  • What TONE/MOOD do you envision for your film?
  • Is it part of a bigger offering or a stand-alone product?

All of this will determine the type of the video and how it should be shot/produced best. Have you got an idea for a video project and would you like to chat through how to get it off the ground? Get in touch and I’d be happy to answer any questions!

Have you got a project in mind? I'd love to hear from you!

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